If you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs you cannot operate a vehicle without risking the life of yourself and every other road user around you. The side effects of this use makes you unfit to drive.
Employers: You need to carry out random drug and alcohol testing regularly as part of your health and safety plan.

The more you drink, the higher your blood alcohol level becomes and the longer it takes for your body to recover to a sober, fit state for driving. For low-risk alcohol drinking, use the recommendations below as a guideline. Alcohol.org.nz has more extensive information for help and advice.

If you are suffering from a drug or alcohol problem and need to talk, call the Alcohol Drug Helpline: 0800 787 797
Or visit their website

The first step to changing your life is to confront yourself about drug use. Ask yourself these questions:

Have you ever driven while under the influence of drugs

Have you ever lost a job due to drug use

Can you get through the week without using drugs

Have you ever had 'blackouts' in memory as a result of drug use

Do you feel bad or guilty about your drug use

Does your spouse, colleagues or do others complain about your drug use

Have you lost friends or neglected family for drugs

Have you experienced withdrawal symptoms before

Have you ever abused prescription drugs
Call the Alcohol Drug Helpline 0800 787 797 for confidential help, they are available 24/7.

The next chapter is a widely unspoken issue within the transport industry. People have traditionally thought that they will get through issues on their own by simply 'toughening up.' This chapter looks at the early warning signs, triggers, and how to combat struggles with mental health.